Photo courtesy of UNMEER; CC-BY-ND. Since an outbreak of Ebola Sudan strain was declared on September 20, 2022, Uganda has reported a total of 142
Author: Makayla Swaciak

Photo courtesy of NIAID. Uganda declared an outbreak of Ebola on Tuesday, September 20 after a case of the Sudan ebolavirus strain was confirmed in

Image Courtesy of Victoria Reay; CC-BY Over 75% of all emerging pathogens that infect humans are zoonotic in origin, meaning that they are the result

Image courtesy of NIAID; CC-BY. The Current Situation Over 900 confirmed cases of monkeypox have now been reported in 28 countries where the virus is

Image courtesy of NIAID; CC-BY-SA. On April 23rd, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) declared a new outbreak of Ebola, marking the country’s 14th outbreak

Image credit: NIH Image Gallery. CC-BY-NC. On April 23, 2022, health authorities in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) declared an outbreak of Ebola after

Image credit: Moderna. CC-BY-NC. Two years ago, most people had never heard of messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines nor the entire field of mRNA vaccine development

Image credit: Vaccines at Sanofi. CC-BY-NC-ND. On March 4, 2022, Kenyan health authorities declared an outbreak of Yellow Fever in Isiolo County in central Kenya

Image credit: Photo by Tom Murray. CC-BY-NC. Researchers at Penn State recently found evidence that the SARS-coV-2 B.1.1.529 Omicron variant spread from humans to white-tailed