EpiCore RFIs: Tuberculosis in a German School District

Image courtesy of CDC Public Health Image Library

The HealthMap system received a media report on August 2, 2019 that announced a tuberculosis outbreak in a German school district.  At the time of the news release, 109 students had been diagnosed with tuberculosis, though 4 were in the active disease phase. Cases included students, faculty and staff at schools in the Bad Schörnborn district. At least 56 eighth graders at Michael-Ende-Gemeinschaftsschule school were infected. The RFI was sent on 2 August 2019 at 9:51AM EST.

The first RFI response was received on 2 August 2019 at 10:13AM, and provided an article that revealed updates from local authorities. Local authorities shared that 88% of the pupils in the same grade of the index case at Michael-Ende-Gemeinschaftsschule tested positive for Tuberculosis. A second response was received on 4 August 2019 at 7:17AM that provided valuable updates about testing and diagnosing cases. IGRA testing was performed for students in grades 5-9 and staff. Those with positive IGRA tests received chest X-rays. Treatment began immediately in those with a positive chest X-ray. A total of 98 pupils and 11 staff members have been diagnosed as infected (e.g., positive IGRA result). A total of 297 pupils attend the Michael-Ende-Gemeinschaftsschule. An additional pupil suffering from tuberculosis has been found in another school of Bad Schönborn, Franz-Josef-Kuhn primary school. Reportedly the additional case is the brother of the index patient. This outbreak was verified by the EpiCore system.

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